What is the meaning of “Tugo Cwiny”? Tugo Cwiny is directly rooted in the Acholi language, which is the language of the Acholi tribe (a tribe is an ethnolinguistic group). Acholiland, the traditional homeland of the Acholi, is located in northern Uganda in East Africa.
Tugo Cwiny means “inspiration” in Acholi. Tugo Cwiny Management Consulting is centered on instilling “inspiration”:
I. In cultivating an enhanced awareness and impactful progression on ESG/ Sustainability considerations for companies and organizations; and
II. In meaningfully contributing to the socio-cultural and socio-economic developmental prospects and environmental and socially sustainable growth of communities and countries.
Tugo Cwiny Management Consulting is an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)/ Sustainability consulting firm with a substantive track record working at the national, regional, and international levels. Tugo Cwiny Management Consulting’s team has amassed over 159 years of professional experience and expertise. Tugo Cwiny Management Consulting’s team has worked on projects, policies, and initiatives in 6 continents, in particular Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, and North America.